A research degree is an advanced program of study allowing you to investigate a topic relevant to your field. Under the supervision of world-class researchers, research degree students learn and apply advanced research methodologies to produce new knowledge and provide solutions to the world's challenges. Completing a research degree means becoming an expert in your field. It's your opportunity to take a topic which interests you; explore it in depth; tackle intellectual, creative and practical challenges; and communicate your findings. You can study a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy (by Portfolio of Publications) and Masters by Research.
Through a Masters by Research, students analyse a chosen thesis topic at an advanced level, applying research methodology and techniques to contribute further knowledge to their field. This is conducted under appropriate supervision (two years full-time equivalent).
Research students can complete exciting and innovative research topics which span areas such as:
Health services research
High performance in sport and industry
Musculoskeletal health
Pain sciences
Public health
Rural health.