What is CMA?

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The Certified Management Accountant (CMA) qualification has a distinguished reputation in the fields of accounting and finance. The CMA is thoroughly examined in this article, along with its description, accessible courses, and the top colleges offering CMA programs. Additionally, we will delve into the vast scope of the CMA designation, its learning complexities, and the most favourable countries for pursuing CMA courses.

A prestigious professional qualification with a focus on financial management and management accounting is the Certified Management Accountant (CMA). This globally recognised qualification, awarded by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) in the United States, denotes proficiency in financial planning, analysis, control, decision support, and professional ethics.

CMAs hold pivotal roles within organisations, particularly in the domains of financial management, performance management, internal controls, risk management, and decision analysis. They contribute significantly to an organisation's financial success and integrity.

Popular CMA Courses

These courses are designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills necessary for CMA certification. Here are some popular CMA courses and study programs:

  • Gleim CMA Review: Gleim is known for its comprehensive CMA exam prep courses. It offers a wide range of study materials and practice exams to help students succeed in the CMA exams.
  • Wiley Efficient Learning: Wiley offers an efficient CMA exam prep course with an excellent test bank. It provides a structured study plan and ample practice questions to ensure CMA candidates are well-prepared.
  • Hock International: Hock International is known for its value-oriented CMA prep courses. It offers a cost-effective option while maintaining high-quality study materials.
  • IMA Endorsed Programs: The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) offers endorsed programs and review courses that align with CMA exam content. These courses are reliable choices for CMA exam preparation.
  • CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst): Some CMA candidates also choose to complement their CMA studies with CFA courses to enhance their financial analysis skills and career prospects.
  • SAP Finance Power User Training: For those interested in finance-related technology, SAP finance training is valuable for understanding finance software and systems.

3. Best Universities for CMA

If you're considering pursuing a CMA designation, it's essential to choose the right educational institution. Here is a list of the top universities worldwide that offer CMA programs:



CMA Courses Offered


Harvard University


Financial Management

#1 Business School

Stanford University


Managerial Accounting

#2 Business School

London Business School


Strategic Financial Management

#1 in London



Performance Management

#1 Global MBA

University of Pennsylvania


Risk Management

#7 Business School

MIT Sloan School of Management


Ethics in Accounting

#1 World university rankings

University of Chicago Booth School of Business


Internal Controls

#14 QS Ranking

University of Cambridge


Decision Analysis

#1 in the UK

University of Oxford


Cost Management

#3 QS World

Columbia Business School


Strategic Planning

#6 World university rankings

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the scope of CMA?

The scope of the CMA designation is extensive. Many different types of firms and sectors are seeing an increase in demand for Certified Management Accountants (CMAs). They often assume positions like financial analysts, managerial accountants, and financial managers inside business organizations. Occasionally, they even get executive-level jobs. Their expertise is valued across a broad spectrum of professional domains.

Is CMA easy to study?

The difficulty of studying for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exam can vary from person to person. The CMA exam is considered challenging due to its comprehensive content and lower pass rates. The pass rates for both sections of the CMA exam hover at approximately 45%, underscoring a notably modest success rate. The journey of preparing for the CMA assessment can prove formidable, primarily owing to the intricacy and comprehensiveness of its subject matter. However, individuals with a strong foundation in finance and accounting may find it relatively easier

Which is the best country to pursue CMA courses?

 The United States is one of the best countries to pursue CMA courses. It is home to the IMA, the governing body for CMA certification. However, CMA programs are offered in many countries worldwide.

Which subject is best for CMA?

 A background in finance, accounting, or business is ideal for pursuing a CMA designation. Individuals holding degrees in these related fields frequently discover a smoother comprehension of the CMA program's principles, paving the way for their success.

In summary, the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation stands as a distinguished credential within the realms of financial management and management accounting. It not only offers access to a multitude of career pathways but also tends to be a more attainable achievement for those already equipped with a solid background in finance and accounting. The choice of the best university and country for pursuing CMA courses depends on individual preferences and career goals.

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