The Felix Scholarship was set up to ensure that underprivileged yet talented aspirants from India and other developing nations could get an opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies at a UK university. The Felix Scholarship for Indian students helps expose aspirants to global cultures, knowledge, and experiences while hoping for a manifestation of the same upon their return to their home countries and local communities. The scholarships are available at the University of Oxford, Reading University, and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. The first lot of six such scholarships were given in 1991-92. The number has gone up to 20 every year, with 428 scholarships having been provided over the years.
Table of Contents
Scholarships in UK
- Scholarship for MS in UK
- The Oxford and Cambridge Society of India Scholarship
- Sussex India Scholarship
- Oxford University’s Rhodes Scholarship
- Cambridge University Scholarships
- Commonwealth Scholarship
- Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarships
- Hornby Scholarships
- John Kinghorn Scholarship
The Felix Scholarship eligibility criteria include the following:
- Academically meritorious but underprivileged Indian nationals with first-class bachelor’s degree programs from recognized institutions.
- Those who are not EEA/Indian nationals should have the same qualifications while being recommended by their preferred universities.
The scholarship offers coverage for 100% tuition costs and comes with a grant of roughly £16,164 for living costs. It also offers coverage for a return flight to the UK from India.
How to Apply?
Applications can be done for only a single institution. Those applying to Oxford should submit by January, and those applying to Reading should follow the university’s application procedure as well, without completing the application form for the Felix Scholarship initially. For SOAS, candidates have to go through the institution’s specific procedure for applying. Those candidates with acceptance for admission will be considered for this scholarship. Shortlisting by the institutions happens in March and April, with interviews being held throughout April and May.
Important Dates (timeline)
The timeline is December or January as per the chosen course, in the case of the University of Oxford. It is end-January for the University of Reading and the same for the SOAS. Candidates usually take interviews in April and May after the universities shortlist them in March and April.
Here are some detailed articles on Fully Funded Scholarships for top Study Abroad Destination:
Can an Indian study at Oxford for free?
It is possible with specific scholarships for Indian students at the University. The Felix Scholarship offers 100% coverage for tuition costs and a grant for living costs.
Does Cambridge give full scholarships?
Gates Cambridge scholarships are available for academically brilliant students from outside the United Kingdom, enabling them to pursue postgraduate courses.
Which country gives scholarships to international students easily?
Some scholarship-friendly countries include Germany, Austria, Norway, Iceland, and Finland. They have diverse low-cost or free educational programs for international aspirants.
How many scholarships are given every year under Felix Scholarships?
Nearly 20 Felix scholarships are usually given annually, with 428 already given in total since its establishment in 1991-92.
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